
Our aim is to elevate the pharmaceutical data science competencies of all students at all existing bachelor and master programmes as well as at the levels of PhD and life-long learning.

This ambition requires both an understanding of data science and an in-depth knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences. A deep understanding of life science and healthcare data combined with critical thinking will be required to communicate and make relevant decisions throughout the whole healthcare system.

To ensure that all students become ‘data and drug bilinguals’, the center will enhance students’ data science skills via:

  • Upgrading relevant compulsory bachelor and master courses.
  • Establishing new elective courses dedicated to pharmaceutical data science spanning bachelor, master, PhD and life-long learning levels.

Elective courses will be accessible for other national and international educational programmes.

About pharmaceutical sciences education at UCPH and SDU

The University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark both have Bachelor and Master of Science educational programmes within pharmaceutical sciences that are not offered elsewhere in Denmark.

The center will boost pharmaceutical data science at both universities. With a total uptake of more than 300 bachelor and 300 master students every year in pharmaceutical sciences, this upgrade will provide unique possibilities for many future students and the Danish life science and healthcare areas.